Welcome to DeGoogler

Connecting to server


Requesting search results for "favicon.ico"

908199 results found

Attempting to categorize results

22 yays, 780228 nays

Dangerous levels of nays on subject "favicon.ico"

Restructurization of the results is advised

Switching mode: trace & counter

Tracing nays...................................

Countering nays.................................................

1st counter attempt failed


Found: Chomsky's seal of approval

Removing: transparency..........................................................

Applying: structural bias........................................................

Succes: Chomsky's seal of approval circumvented

Connecting to programming server: cr4cking.z0ne.chinaX33tools

Initializing code

Injecting algorithm..................................

Completed: Suppression of nays on the subject "favicon.ico"


Calculating Google search engine domination

65% - 90%

DeGoogler influential status: healthy
